Friday, January 1, 2010

Spice up your New Year!


After a long blog break, I'm back with a new recipe, perfect for cold nights at home. It's a modified version of my Mom's Russian Tea recipe. I didn't have all of the ingredients for that recipe on hand and I didn't want to make a huge batch of tea (hers makes enough for a small army), and since this is the New Year, I don't need that much sweet tea hanging around my house; am trying to lose some of the holiday weight I picked up! This recipe makes a fairly small batch - enough for 3 or 4 people, and is perfect served hot or iced.

3 Cups Water
3 Family Size Tea Bags (I used Luzianne)
2 Cups Pineapple/Orange Juice Blend
1/4 Cup Sugar
10 Whole Cloves
1/8 tsp. Cinnamon Extract (not sure why I had this on hand, but that's what I used since I didn't have any cinnamon sticks).


Put all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a boil on stovetop. When tea starts boiling, immediately remove from heat.

Serve hot or over ice.
Garnish with cinnamon sticks or orange slices.

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